Longbow nocking point

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Hi everybody!

I spend a lot of time training in long distance terget shooting - so ive recently realised that i dont know whow to make the correct tuning of the bow...

example - the nocking point... I always thought that it must be a little (3-5mm) higher than the "arrow rest" - the hand in the case of longbow. But in the book

"How to train in Archery
Being a complete study of the York Round

By Maurice and Will H. Thompson "

you can read this:
"The proper point on the string to place the arrow is exactly opposite the first wood of the upper limb of the bow appearing above the plush handle"

so for now i am confused...

Do anybody who shoots well at 80-100 yds can give me an advice?


New member
Longbow Nocking Point


You were correct to place the arrow nock a few mm high. Any lower than this and you'll feel the arrow pass over your hand. In fact, a loose fletching can end up embedded in your first knuckle!

Big John

Agree completely. Can't be as precise as with modern recurve due to the slight variability on hand placement and hence 'arrow rest' but 2-3/8ths of an inch should be safe to start with and then tune.


Another question - do people mostly use the same nocking points as for recurve? Or just the thread?

And keeping the length makes me mad at 80 yds - i know about the gap shooting, but i don't know the right technique... I shoot instinctively - look at the target, making some elevation, sometimes i make nice score, but sometimes, like today - only 3 or 4 shafts hit the target :(((


New member
Hi there, trial and error! I start off with the nocking point slightly above horizontal and then gradually move it up the bowstring, as I shoot, until the fletchings stop taking pieces out of my knuckle and it does end up about 3/8", maybe a bit more above horizontal


New member
Hitting regelarly at 80 yards+

Another question - do people mostly use the same nocking points as for recurve? Or just the thread?

And keeping the length makes me mad at 80 yds - i know about the gap shooting, but i don't know the right technique... I shoot instinctively - look at the target, making some elevation, sometimes i make nice score, but sometimes, like today - only 3 or 4 shafts hit the target :(((

A few misses at 80 yards sounds perfectly normal to me! With your 55lb bow you should be able to put the pile of the arrow on the target or only slightly above it. If you are having to aim way over then something is wrong.

Are you anchoring under the chin? If you are using a field style anchor, at the side of the mouth, then long distances are bound to be harder.

At 100 yards I have to pick the top of a tree or a convenient roof top behind the target and aim at that. Consistency is everything. Foot markers help.

Regards, Dave


But do You use both yeas when You "put the pile on the target"?

I use the anchor under the chin...

And i don't know anything about the foot markers :(


New member
feet and shoulders

heels about as far apart as your shoulders. The angle they make with your line of shooting and how your point your feet seems to me pretty much a matter for experimentation, differnet people say different things. But once you find something that works, stick to it:)
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